I went to Beat Night last night in Portsmouth, NH. As always it rocked! The featured readers were Mark Michael Adams and Ellyn Touchette. They were both fantastic, the band was hot as always, and the open mic participants were also really good. I used to go to Beat Night very regularly back in the […]
Archive | Poetry
LKTAOTAS: Love kicks the ass of time and space
Leading up to my 40th birthday I was looking for a tattoo that would remind me how precious it all is – life, that is. In the past year, I had healed a 42 year old wound in my family lineage and had also helped a 42 year old friend pass over. “All you need […]
Code is Poetry Rap
Now I like to code and I like to rhyme Neither is perfect, but I’ve still got time “Code is Poetry” so the saying goes And in my mind it’s the bomb of credos Now don’t you be thinking of young men with Fritos with nowhere to go who can’t touch their toes Cuz I […]
William Shatner Beat Night
My husband John and I performed last night in the 6th William Shatner Beat Night. This is an event held every year in Portsmouth NH on (or as close as feasible) to his birthday March 22 and is a fundraiser for the local food pantry. Most often it’s solo performers, but I convinced my husband […]
The Day
This is a poem I wrote the night of Sept 11 when I could not yet sleep. I think I may have lost it on an old computer and had been looking for it recently, but an old friend spontaneously posted it to my Facebook wall this morning. Another loving reminder of how I am […]
My misspent youth – a trip down memory lane…
Wow…while looking for something else entirely, I came across some journals from 1995-1997. Boy, I was a busy girl with a *lot* of boys and drama in of my life. Sometimes I still miss it, but I also found a beautiful scared entry I wrote about meeting my husband. I wrote the entry sometime in […]