I’m trying to relaunch this site after a several year hiatus. Bear with me as I move some content over from other sources and get settled here. It’s been far too long since this web developer actually had a functioning web site.

A Total Eclipse of My Heart
We gathered in great numbers. Most of us had never seen a sight quite like this. We came together for a total solar eclipse. It covered the entire continental US on August 21, 2017. We were down in Columbia, SC where we would see 2 minutes and 30 seconds of totality. There were many others […]

Road Trip Day 2: The Road Goes Ever On
Road Trip Day 2 was a long long day of driving (560 miles!), and perhaps a lesson in backups. We drove from southern New Jersey into Delaware into Maryland, around Washington DC, then through Virginia into North Carolina and all the way through to the southern coast. For the first time ever, I did not […]

Road Trip Day 1: Auscipious Beginnings
Road Trip Day 1 got off to an auspicious start. We were aiming to hit the road between 8 and 9am and drive down to a friend’s house in south Jersey for the night with a pit stop at Jay and Silent Bob’s Secret Stash. Not only did we get on the road at 7:55am […]

Prince: Thank you for making it OK to be Weird
I was late today to the news…the news that Prince had died. I was battling bugs all day on a website and only tuned into social media around 4:30 in the afternoon hoping for a joyful respite from the hell of battling iPad and surface tablet bugs on a website I had developed. I has […]

Wading into the Feminist Fray over Hillary, or Why I’m Not Voting with my Vagina this Election
I just read today’s New York Times piece “Gloria Steinem and Madeleine Albright Scold Young Women Backing Bernie Sanders” and I am wicked pissed off. I live in NH, home of the “First in the Nation” primary (maybe you’ve heard of us?), so I’m not only allowed to say “wicked” in a totally authentic way […]
I Disagree: a short but heartfelt rant dedicated to the poet who currently calls herself Oriah Mountain Dreamer
I went to Beat Night last night in Portsmouth, NH. As always it rocked! The featured readers were Mark Michael Adams and Ellyn Touchette. They were both fantastic, the band was hot as always, and the open mic participants were also really good. I used to go to Beat Night very regularly back in the […]

LKTAOTAS: Love kicks the ass of time and space
Leading up to my 40th birthday I was looking for a tattoo that would remind me how precious it all is – life, that is. In the past year, I had healed a 42 year old wound in my family lineage and had also helped a 42 year old friend pass over. “All you need […]
Code is Poetry Rap
Now I like to code and I like to rhyme Neither is perfect, but I’ve still got time “Code is Poetry” so the saying goes And in my mind it’s the bomb of credos Now don’t you be thinking of young men with Fritos with nowhere to go who can’t touch their toes Cuz I […]

William Shatner Beat Night
My husband John and I performed last night in the 6th William Shatner Beat Night. This is an event held every year in Portsmouth NH on (or as close as feasible) to his birthday March 22 and is a fundraiser for the local food pantry. Most often it’s solo performers, but I convinced my husband […]

It’s never too late to start
Today would have been my mother’s 59th birthday. That means tonight I do my annual pilgrimage to the Bingo Hall to play in her honor. Last year I won for the first time since her death (I only go once a year, so 1 win in 8 times). And at the moment I won, the […]